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摘  要

    Solar energy as a new energy, which it compared with the conventional and conventional energy has three advantages: first, it is human can be utilized most abundant energy; second, on Earth, wherever there are solar energy, local development and use, there is no transport problems, especially in rural areas with poor communications, islands and remote areas more valuable use; and thirdly, solar energy is a clean source of energy. Therefore, use of solar energy has been a top priority. Solar panel orientation tracking control system allows the utilization of solar energy greatly increased so the solar panel orientation tracking studies are necessary.
    In the study of this design it is to improve the utilization of solar energy, a new single-chip based on fixed tracks roughly tracking and photoelectric sensors to accurately track the dual-mode solar tracking controller. Among them, the fixed trajectory tracking mode is for the controller to track the sun during the day computing device in accordance with the relevant formulas and parameters of position (depending on date of exercise), then converted to the corresponding pulse is sent to the drive, the drive motor in real time to track the sun. Photoelectric sensors accurately tracking control is performed by five ordinary photodiode to achieve precisely track the sun signal strongest point, so sunlight illuminated vertical panels, improve the utilization of solar energy.
Keywords: solar energy; tracking device; hardware design; software design

目  录
摘  要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 绪  论 5
1.1太阳能利用的前景 5
1.2太阳能跟踪控制器的发展状况 7
1.3研究的目的和意义 8
第2章 太阳跟踪装置的设计及方案 9
2.1太阳跟踪器工作原理 9
2.2太阳能跟踪器各模块设计 10
2.2.1固定轨迹跟踪模块 10
2.2.2光电传感器跟踪模块 13
2.3机械部分的设计 16
2.3.1机械传动机构的设计 16
2.3.2涡轮蜗杆传动机构的使用 16
2.3.3 驱动电机的选择 17
2.4系统的总体设计思想 17
2.5本章小结 18
第3章  硬件系统部分的设计 19
3.1  AT89C51单片机简介 19
3.2 光电检测电路的设计 20
3.2.1判断阴晴天的电路设计 20
3.2.2 判断昼夜的电路设计 21
3.2.3光电检测电路的设计 21
3.3单片机控制电路的设计 23
3.4时钟电路的设计 24
3.5步进电机驱动器电路的设计 25
3.6本章小结 25
第4章 太阳能自动跟踪系统的软件设计 27
4.1系统主程序的设计 27
4.2光电追踪器模块的设计 29
4.3光电检测追踪模块的设计 30
4.4太阳固定轨迹追踪模式的设计 31
4.5本章小节 32
第5章  结  论 33
参 考 文 献 34
致  谢 35
附 录 设计程序的主要程序 36

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