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The continuous development of the intelligent terminal provides more convenience for people’s working and living. It is hoped that to achieve functionalities on intelligent terminal the same as on PC, so as to realize mobile office, mobile computing and so on. Existing intelligent terminals include smart phones, tablet PCs, etc. 3G smart phone is a triple play. Users want to be able to achieve Internet,telecommunications and other operationsthrough the mobile phone. In order to meet these hardware operations, researchers and developers have designed and implemented some operating systems of the smartphone andapplication software which can run on the appropriate operating systems. In the many smartphone operating systems, IOS with its open source nature, packaging, and cost performance is more and more popular in manufacturers, developers and users.
In the many existing smart applications, intelligent medical can bring great convenience to users. The so-called intelligent medical is that patients were able to quickly and easily query disease, inquiries hospitals, do registration, online payment, view features such as a doctor's prescription by intelligent phone. At present, intelligent medical software has not been get good development. Major epidemic of intelligent medical software includes a series of medical encyclopedia, medical advice series. Medical Encyclopedia Series products provide a medical database, which record some of these conditions corresponding to the diagnosis and treatment methods. The data is generally static data, and could not update.
This paper starts from server and client software of intelligent medical, based on studying intelligent medical software at home and abroad, fully analyze what intelligent medical software should have on the functional requirements and performance requirements. Research the existing intelligent phone system, as well as the corresponding intelligent medical software products and functional defects. In addition, according to the status station of the IOS operating system, this paper studies the specific function requirements to develop intelligent medical software in the IOS system. We also research the needs of the server side in intelligent medical software, design and define database structure and user access interface on the server-side.Determine network protocols used on the client and server-side. Study the HttpClient protocol interface in IOS source code, and realize the information exchange on the client and server side. Complete the function design and implementation of client and server base on IOS system for intelligent medical.
This paper has designed the structure and function of the serverside for intelligent medical, and realized the intelligent medical clients, as well as client and server side, and provides great convenience to users.

IOS, Intelligence medical,Client
目录 I
第一章引言 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 2
1.3 课题研究内容 3
1.4 本文主要贡献和文章结构 4
第二章相关研究综述 5
2.1 智能手机系统分类 5
2.1.1 Windows Mobile 5
2.1.2 Symbian 5
2.1.3 iOS 6
2.1.4 IOS 6
2.2 现存主流智能系统对比分析 7
2.3 IOS系统工作原理 8
2.3.1 IOS的系统架构 8
2.3.2 源代码结构 9
2.3.3 IOS的编译 10
2.4 医疗保健系统 10
2.5 本章小结 11
第三章基于IOS的医疗保健系统软件的需求分析 12
3.1功能需求分析 12
3.1.1用户登录验证功能分析 13
3.1.2 查询诊疗信息功能分析 14
3.1.3 预约挂号功能分析 16
3.1.4手机支付挂号费用功能分析 17
3.1.5 患者定制就诊提醒功能分析 18
3.2性能需求分析 18
3.2.1医疗保健系统管理系统的负载能力 18
3.2.1数据保密性要求 19
3.3 本章小结 19
第四章基于IOS的医疗保健系统详细设计 20
4.1 客户端功能设计 20
4.2.1 登录/注册模块 20
4.2.3 查询模块 21
4.2.4 IVR挂号模块 21
4.2.6 诊疗信息提醒模块 24
4.2 数据库设计 26
4.2.1 表设计 26
4.2.2 数据库表的关系图 28
4.3 服务器端与客户端通信方式 29
4.3.1 客户端主动与服务器通信方式设计 29
4.3.2服务器端主动与客户端通信方式设计 30
4.4 本章小结 30
第五章基于IOS的医疗保健系统客户端实现 31
5.1 患者登录和注册界面实现 31
5.2 信息查询模块实现 32
5.3 挂号模块实现 33
5.4 支付挂号费模块实现 34
5.5 本章小结 35
总结与展望 36
参考文献 37
致谢 38

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