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目       录
摘  要 1
1前  言 3
1.1课题产生背景 3
1.2 国内外现状及发展趋势 3
1.3 可行性论证 4
2分功能求解方案 6
2.1系统黑箱法求解 6
2.2 分装机分功能求解 6
2.3 评价与决策 7
3 容积定量螺旋输送式抗菌素分装机总体设计 9
3.1 分装机布局设计 9
3.2 电机的选择及动力学计算 14
3.2.1步进电机和蠕动泵的选择 14
3.2.2伺服电机的选择 14
3.3总体结构方案 17
4产品结构设计和实用化设计 18
4.1  分装机回转运动装置结构设计 19
4.2分装机横向运动装置结构设计 20
4.3  重要零部件结构设计 20
4.3.1 回转盘结构设计 20
4.3.1 机座结构设计 21
4.3.2储液瓶结构设计 21
4.4 零件强度校核计算 22
5 加工装配检验 25
5.1加工工艺过程 25
5.2装配工艺过程 27
5.3保养与维护 30
6结论与展望 31
总结与体会 32
致谢词 33
【参考文献】 34

摘    要
毕业设计介绍了一种新型生产用全隔离防护容积定量螺旋输送式抗菌素分装系统,该系统用于在热室中将定量的放射性液体液体和生理盐水混合,自动抗菌素 到规定的浓度,并将抗菌素 好的液体精确计量分装到西林瓶中。利用热室对同位素的放射性照射采取全方位防辐射屏蔽,除用机械手装取西林瓶外,整个抗菌素 分装过程自动完成,并且实行全自动的生产过程管理。
传统的抗菌素 分装过程均由人工操作完成,难以满足放射性液体用于医疗的要求,就需要提高生产效率。因此,为了满足放射性液体用于医疗的各种要求,研制满足临床应用的抗菌素 分装设备已成为一个突出的问题,它需要解决传统收工抗菌素 作业人员受到高强度放射源的辐射伤害的问题,其自动化程度和分装精度要高,提出放射性抗菌素 分装设备有着十分现实的应用意义。因此提出容积定量螺旋输送式抗菌素分装机设计,此次设计中在之前的基础上,结构有了更多的创新和自动化,解决了以往抗菌素 分装一体化问题没有有效的解决的问题。
通过对容积定量螺旋输送式抗菌素分装机的结构和运动介绍,其中分装机运动要求设计和结构设计是整个设计的核心,选用伺服电机精确控制回转盘回转运动和滑块横向运动的方案,设计了伺服电机与回转盘的连接,伺服电机带动滚珠丝杠实现回转盘横向运动,由于涉及到机械手放取西林瓶,所以要使用限位开关控制其横向移动。根据放射性液体的抗菌素 分装的要求,设计出回转装置,横向运动装置,蠕动泵装配,此次设计主要是放射性抗菌素 分装机上进一步的改进,以实现高效率、高精度、自动化生产需求。
【关键词】 自动化   放射性  螺旋输送式 

The graduation design this paper introduces a new production with full isolation protection rotary radioactive dilute liquid automatic packaging system, the system is used for quantitative in the hot chamber of radioactive liquid liquid mixed with normal saline, automatically diluted to the concentration, and will dilute good liquid precise metering divide among serving schering bottles. Using the hot chamber for isotope radioactive radiation an anti-radiation shielding, besides using manipulator pack to take schering bottles, the dilution repackaging process automatically, and the fully automated production process management.
Traditional dilution repackaging process are completed by manual operation, difficult to meet the requirements of radioactive liquid for medical use, you need to improve production efficiency. , therefore, in order to meet the various requirements of radioactive liquid for medical and development meet the clinical application of dilution packing equipment has become a prominent problem, it needs to solve traditional dilution workers work high intensity source of radiation damage, the degree of automation and packing accuracy is higher, the proposed radioactive dilution repackaging application has the extremely realistic significance. Therefore rotary radioactive liquid dilution racking machine design is put forward, in the design before, on the basis of structure have more innovation and automation, dilute the packing there is no effective integration problem solved ever solve the problem.
Diluted by rotary radioactive liquid racking machine structure and motion is introduced, including racking machine movement requires design and structural design is the core of the whole design, choose accurate control servo motor back to rotary rotary motion and slider lateral movement of the scheme, design of the servo motor connected to the back wheel, servo motor driven ball screw back wheel lateral movement, because involves the manipulator for schering bottles, so let's use the limit switch control its lateral movement. According to the requirements of radioactive liquid dilution packing design the rotary device, lateral movement device, the peristaltic pump assembly, this design is mainly radioactive dilution packing machine for further improvement, in order to realize the high efficiency, high precision, automation production requirements.
【Key words】  Automation    Radioactive   Rotar

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