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摘  要
4.研究了Visual Basic的编程思路与方法;
关键词:物业管理,  房屋,  住户,  费用管理

Along with the calculator technique universality in each realm, its function is extensive more and more of drive people understanding, is the emergence of the network of Internet particularly in recent years and extensive universality, cause people are existing to many realms of application big is disaffection, need the exaltation of new technique to that realm urgently.Along with the development, universality and networks that the intelligence turns the thing industry technical promote quickly, the calculator technique, the network technique will be more extensive in future several yearses and is make use of in the thing industry  management profession thoroughly, and turn the system realization with the intelligence of the community real did not sew the chain to connect, attain completely intensive turn the management.Manage along with the thing industry  management company increasingly norm and organize increasingly huge, the thing industry management the company acrosses the management of the region already gradually customary rules mold.At this time technical application of the calculator wide area network technique and Internets, the automation that transact and turn with intelligence it is the development direction that the thing industry manages the system that system, financial electronics system combine.This foundation that becomes to develop this small area  thing industry  management information system, its core function is to manies or a house property item involve of the thing industry function carry on the management.This thing  industry management software mainly what to study is:
1.  Make use of the structure turns the system development method;
2.  Understood the working talent of the small area  thing industry management completely;
3.  Analyzed the difference of traditional artificial management and the calculator management, affirm the calculator management technique;
4.  Studied the plait distance way of thinking and methods of the Visual Basic;
5.  Studied to face to the concept of the object;
This thing industry manages the software according to the construction department the concerning the thing industry manage of standard and request, the knowledge of the comprehensive management  information system, usage the vb language plait write of a management software.Concrete the function includes the thing industry data, charges management, personal management, Anne preservation reason, warehouse management, engineering management, business management, parking management, comprehensive management, document management, with system  major mold piece.


The property management  House  Inhabitant  The expenses management

摘  要... 1
目录... 4
一  系统规划... 5
(一)引言... 5
(二)系统需求分析... 5
(三)可行性分析... 6
(四)开发方法的选择... 7
(五)VB及ACCESS数据库的选用和简介... 8
(六)系统运行的硬件、软件的配置要求... 8
二   系统分析... 9
(一)业务流程分析... 9
1.组织结构图... 9
2.业务流程图... 10
(二)小区物业管理系统的数据分析... 14
1.系统数据流程图  (DFD) 14
2.数据字典(DD)... 22
3.数据结构... 24
三  系统设计... 25
(一)系统总体结构设计... 25
1.设计原则... 25
2.系统功能分析... 25
(二)数据库设计... 29
1.基本信息表... 29
2.实体关系模型... 34
3.代码设计... 36
4.输入/输出设计... 36
5. 详细设计... 39
四 系统实施与维护... 42
(一)系统实施的准备... 42
(二)程序设计... 43
(三)系统的测试与调试... 43
(四)系统维护... 43
五 系统的运行与评价... 44
(一)系统的运行... 44
(二)系统的评价... 44
六  设计心得... 45
附录1:部分源程序... 46
附录2:参考文献... 52

一  系统规划

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