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关键词:智能电表    AT89C51   IC卡技术
  Because of its extremely high performance-price ratio, the single-chip computer (SCC) has been paid great attention to ever since it came out in 1970s of 20th Century, and has gained an extensive applicable field and fast development. Among all kinds of SCCs, 51 SCC is the most typical and representative one. More and more probelems are arising on the management and record-reading of water meter,electricity meter,and natural gas mater systems as the community development is growing fast.Aiming to slove these problems,the thesis designed a remote central meter reading system and intelligent water system, development of intelligent resident community and the high demand of one meter per family project.This intelligent water mater will collect the data and transfer it to the remote  upper-level managing system via concentrator and upper-level management system,while the upper-level management system is responsible for monitoring and managing intelligent water meter network.
  In this paper, AT89C51 SCM as a master chip, the development of IC card technology based on the intelligent  meter. The intelligent meter can realize the accumulated water, water, statistics, computing and management of water (the amount of alarm, basic water, the water plan), and valve control functions. At the same time with stored water and delinquent tips, delinquent water, and other functions.
KEY WORDS: Intelligent water meter   AT89C51   IC card technology
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1 .1 研究背景 1
1.2选题意义 和经济效益 2
1.2.1远程集中抄表系统及智能网络电表的推广应用前景 2
1.2.2社会效益 2
1.2.3设计的技术指标 3
1.2.4 采用的控制芯片 3
1.2.5采用的抄表方式 3
1.3智能电表市场 5
1.4智能卡表的安全性内容 6
1.4.1智能卡表及系统数据存储的安全性分析 7
1.4.2智能卡表及系统数据交换的安全性分析 9
1 .5论文的主要内容 11
第二章 整体设计与PROTELL简介 12
2.1远程集中抄表系统的总体概述 12
2.2远程集中抄表系统整体结构 12
2.2.1上位机管理系统 13
2.2.2集中器 13
2.2.3智能网络电表 13
2.3设计方案论证 14
2.3.1传输抄表方式 14
2.4 protel电气原理图设计软件 15
2.4.1  protel电路板设计软件 16
2.4.2  原理图的绘制 16
2.4.3  PCB图的绘制 17
第三章 智能电表的硬件设计 20
3.1系统硬件组主框图 20
3.2AT89C51单片机性能介绍 20
3.2.1 AT89C51单片机的特性 20
3.2.2 AT89C51单片机的引脚说明 21
3.2.3 AT89C51单片机的振荡器特性 22
3.2.4.芯片擦除: 23
3.3系统其他硬件的选择和电路设计 23
3.3.1 A/D转换电路 23
3.3.2 D/A转换电路 25
3.3.3数据采集传感器的选型 26
3.3.4 LCD显示 28
3.3.5控制阀门的选型 30
3.3.6电源电路 31
3.3.7 IC卡接口电路 32
3.3.8键盘设计 33
3.3.9报警电路 33
3.3.10防拆电路 34
3.3.11复位电路 34
3.3.12时钟电路 35
第四章 智能电表的软件设计 37
4.1软件设计思想和组成 37
4.2主程序设计 37
4.3中断服务程序设计 38
4.4子程序设计 39
4.4.1 LCD显示模块 39
4.4.2数据采集模块 40
4.4.3 电机控制模块 40
4.4.4低电压检测模块 40
4.4.5 IC卡处理模块 41
4.5总程序设计 44
第五章 可靠性和抗干扰性设计 45
5.1 对IC卡电表攻击种类 45
5.2 对电表的物理性攻击的防范办法 46
5.3  IC卡电表中干扰的种类 47
第六章 结论 50
参考文献 52
致谢 53
附录 54
一、英文资料翻译 54
二、相关程序 64
1、键盘程序 64
2、LCD1602的显示程序 66
3、欠压报警 程序 68
4、蜂鸣器程序 69
5、时钟程序 70
三、电路原理图 73

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打印本页 | 关闭窗口
基于51单片机的非接触式TN90 某220kV降压变电站电气部分初 基于PLC自动温度控制镁精炼炉设
基于PLC的立体式仓库控制系统设 基于PLC的温室大棚控制系统设计 基于西门子S7-200PLC四层
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