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          题    目:基于AES算法的加密解密软件
        学    院:  数学与计算科学学院
        专    业:    信息与计算科学  
        学    号:                    
          职    称:                    

题目类型:  理论研究    实验研究    工程设计   工程技术研究    软件开发
2013 年 05月 14日

摘    要
   随着现代密码分析水平、芯片处理能力和计算技术的不断进步,高级加密标准AES的Rijndael算法将在各行业各部门获得广泛的应用,成为虚拟专用网、SONET、远程访问服务器、高速ATM/以太路由器、移动通信、卫星通信、电子金融业务等的加密算法,并逐渐取代DES在IPSec、SSL和ATM中的加密功能。目前,IEEE 802.11i草案已经定义了AES加密的两种不同运行模式,成功解决了无限局域网标准中的诸多安全问题。在这种情形下,AES算法的安全性及其快速实现问题显得格外突出,本文对此进行了全面的论述,希望能为有意进行这一方面研究和应用的同行提供有益的参考。
关键词:AES算法 加密 解密  安全性能分析
   With the modern code of the level of analysis, processing power and chip technology advances ,AES Rijndael algorithm in various industries and departments to obtain a wide range of applications, virtual private networks become, SONET, remote access servers, high-speed ATM / Ethernet routers, mobile communications, satellite communications, electronic financial services such as encryption algorithm, And gradually replaced by DES in IPSec, SSL and encryption in the ATM. At present, IEEE 802.11i draft definition of the AES encryption has two different modes of operation, the successful resolution of an unlimited number of local area network standard of safety. In this case, AES algorithm for the safety of its rapid realization of the problem is particularly prominent in this article have conducted a thorough discussion in the hope of intention to conduct the study and application of peer-to provide a useful reference.
   The article describes the design characteristics of the Rijndael algorithm, introduced at the AES code analysis at home and abroad have been some of the theoretical analysis of the results of the AES algorithm used to describe software  and hardware to achieve fast program. In addition, the article from the mathematical knowledge-based AES algorithm on a set of four steps. AES algorithm resistance from powerful attack capability against differential cryptanalysis and linear analysis of the ability to resist infiltration attack capability, the ability to resist attacks on calculate algebra, the ability to resist attacks XSL, weak analysis of these key aspects of the analysis that in order to AES Safety performance. According to the security of our algorithm, as well as the cost of algorithm and implementation of the principle characteristics of the realization of the AES algorithm. From the analysis of the key programs scheduled for the key criteria for the design and selection.
Key words: AES algorithm; Encryption; Decrypt; Safety Performance Analysis

第一章  绪  论 4
1.  题目背景 4
2.  AES算法密码分析的进展 4
第二章  基础设置 6
1.  AES简介 6
2   AES算法的分析 6
3.  AES和Rijndael的区别 8
4.  AES的结构 8
5.  AES 算法的设计原理 9
6.  AES算法的框架描述 10
7.  AES加、解密的输入/输出 11
8.  AES加密算法实现的理论分析 13
8.1  轮的数目的设定 13
8.2  轮变换 15
8.3  密钥扩展(Key Expansion) 16
8.4  字节替换(SubBytes) 18
8.5  行位移变换(ShiftRows) 19
8.6  列混合变换(MixColumns) 19
8.7  密钥加变换(Add RoundKey) 20
9.  解密 20
9.1  两轮AES的解密 21
9.2  代数性质 22
第三章  AES的实现 24
1.  软件系统概述 24
2.  AES的C++实现 26
第四章  AES算法的抗攻击能力分析 36
1  AES算法抵抗强力攻击能力分析 36
2 AES算法抵抗差分分析和线性密码分析的能力分析 36
3   AES算法抵抗渗透攻击能力分析 37
4  AES算法抵抗代数计算攻击能力分析 37
5  AES算法抵抗XSL攻击能力分析 38
结  论 40
工作分工和安排 42
小组成员个人心得 43
参  考  文  献 48
附  录 50



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