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   电动式主动横向稳定杆最主要的功能是传递作用在车轮和车架(或车身)之间的一切力和力矩,并缓和汽车驶过不平路面时所产生的冲击,衰减由此引起的承载系统的振动,以保证汽车的行驶平顺性。保证车轮在路面不平和载荷变化时有理想的运动特性,保证汽车的操作稳定性,使汽车获得高速行驶能力。为此必须在车轮与车架或车身之间提供弹性联接,依靠弹性元件来传递车轮或车桥与车架或车身之间的垂向载荷,并依靠其变形来吸收能量,达到缓冲的目的。采用弹性联接后,汽车可以看作是由悬挂质量(即簧载质量)、非悬挂质量(即非簧载质量)和弹簧 (弹性元件)组成的振动系统,承受来自不平路面、空气动力及传动系、发动机的激励。为了迅速衰减不必要的振动,电动式主动横向稳定杆中还必须包括阻尼元件,即减振器。此外,导向机构决定了车轮跳动时的运动轨迹和车轮定位参数的变化,以及汽车前后侧倾中心及纵倾中心的位置,从而在很大程度上影响了整车的操纵稳定性和抗纵倾能力。在有些电动式主动横向稳定杆中还有缓冲块和电动式主动横向稳定杆。

Automobile suspension system design
   The suspension fork is guaranteed that the wheel either Che Qiao and the automobile load bearing system (frame or load bearing type automobile body) between has the elastic relation and can transmit the load, relax the impact, the damped oscillation as well as adjusts in the automobile travel the automobile body position and so on related installment general name.
   The suspension fork by the elastic element, the guide, the shock absorber, the cushion block and the crosswise stabler and so on is composed.
   The suspension fork most main function is transmits the function in the wheel and the frame (or automobile body) between all strength and the moment of force, the impact which and relaxes the automobile to roll by when level road surface does not produce, weakens load bearing system's vibration which from this causes, guarantees automobile's smooth running. Guaranteed wheel when road surface uneven and load change has the ideal state of motion, guaranteed that automobile's operation stability, causes the automobile to obtain the high speed travel ability. Must therefore provides the elastic coupling between the wheel and the frame or the automobile body, depends upon the elastic element to transmit the wheel either between Che Qiao and the frame or automobile body's vertical load, and depends upon it to distort the absorbed energy, achieves the cushion the goal. After using the elastic coupling, the automobile may regard as is (i.e. reed carries quality) by the sprung mass, the unsprung mass (i.e. non-reed to carry the vibrating system which quality) and the spring (elastic element) is composed, withstands from not the level road surface, the aerodynamic force and the power transmission, engine's drive. To weaken the nonessential vibration rapidly, in the suspension fork must include the damping element, namely shock absorber. In addition, in the suspension fork guaranteed that between the wheel and the frame either the automobile body all strength and the moment of force transmit reliably and decided the wheel is opposite in the frame or automobile body's displacement characteristic junction device is called as the guide mechanism. The guide mechanism had decided the wheel beats when the path and the wheel alignment parameter's change, as well as around the automobile the roll center and pitches the central position, thus has affected complete bikes's operation stability to a great extent and anti-pitches ability. Also has the cushion block and the crosswise stabilizer bar in some suspension forks.
   Comfortableness is one of passenger vehicle most important operational performances. Comfortable and automobile body's natural mode shape related, but automobile body's natural mode shape with suspension fork characteristic correlation. Therefore, the automobile suspension fork is the guarantee rides the comfortable important part. And along with research further thorough, discovered that the suspension fork the performance is also affecting complete bikes's many performance, including smooth running, running speed, fuel oil efficiency, handling quality and so on. Along with people's idea transformation, the automobile takes one kind of manned tool, the people not only take its comfortableness, moreover takes its manoeuvring more and more, and enjoys the pleasure which it brings. this design main difficult problem: Is while guaranteed that passenger vehicle's comfortable also guaranteed the manoeuvring optimization, will meet the contradiction which in the design suspension fork's process between comfortableness and manoeuvring will request. enhances manoeuvring. this design has the following characteristic: The helical spring has used the circle diameter change spring, thus enhances the spring to approach the end point in the compression stroke degree of hardness and the intensity, thus enhances manoeuvring indirectly, but does not affect comfortableness.
   Key words: Suspension fork; Comfortableness; Manoeuvring; Helical spring
前言 1
1电动式主动横向稳定杆总体结构形式分析与论述 3
1.1独立电动式主动横向稳定杆与独立电动式主动横向稳定杆 3
1.2独立电动式主动横向稳定杆结构形式分析 4
1.3前、后电动式主动横向稳定杆方案的选择 4
2电动式主动横向稳定杆总体参数的计算 8
2.1架静挠度 8
2.2电动式主动横向稳定杆的动挠度 10
2.3电动式主动横向稳定杆弹性特性 10
2.4电动式主动横向稳定杆侧倾角刚度及其在前、后轴的分配 11
3 弹性元件的设计计算及其校核 13
3.1弹性元件的选取和材料的选择 13
3.1.1弹性元件的类型选取 13
3.1.2螺旋弹簧的选材 13
3.2螺旋弹簧的设计与计算 14
3.2.1螺旋弹簧的断部结构形式 14
3.2.2螺旋弹簧的几何尺寸计算 15
3.3螺旋弹簧的校核 19
3.3.1螺旋弹簧的稳定性核算 19
3.3.2弹簧的疲劳强度及静应力强度验算 20
3.3.3 电动式主动横向稳定杆弹簧极限载荷的校核 22
4减振器机构类型及主要参数的选择计算 24
4.1减振器的类型选择 24
4.2减振器的主要参数确定 24
4.2.1相对阻尼系数 25
4.2.2减振器阻尼系数的确定 26
4.2.3最大卸荷力的确定 27
4.3减振器几何尺寸的计算 28
4.3.1简式减振器工作缸直径的确定 28
4.3.2连杆直径与储油筒直径 29
4.3.3减震器行程 30
4.3.4活塞厚度及连接机构 30
4.3.5导向座的长度 31
4.4减振器的强度校核 31
4.4.1活塞杆拉伸和压缩时的强度计算 31
4.4.2活塞杆的压缩稳定性校核 32
4.4.3工作缸筒强度校核计算 33
4.4.4液压缸的稳定性验算 34
5电动式主动横向稳定杆导向机构设计 35
5.1电动式主动横向稳定杆导向机构的设计要求 35
5.2电动式主动横向稳定杆导向机构参数的选取 35
5.2.1麦弗逊电动式主动横向稳定杆的导向机构布置参数 35
6电动式主动横向稳定杆的设计 39
参考文献 42
附件 43

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