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题    目 :端盖制品模具中凸、凹模零件的数控加工设计

班    级 :09级模具(10904)班

专    业 :模具设计与制造

学生姓名 :黄

指导教师 :

日    期 :201331
















参考译名:Guizhou university graduation thesis

年(卷),期: 2013(001) ,006 

页码: 41

总页数: 1

正文语种: CHI 

中图分类: TH12











冲压模具在实际工业生产中应用广泛随着当今科技的发展, 工业生产中模具的使用已经越来越引起人们的重视,而被大量应用到工业生产中来。冲压模具可以大大的提高劳动生产效率,减轻工人负担,具有重要的技术进步意义和经济价值。本文针对端盖的冲裁工艺性和拉深工艺性,分析比较了成形过程的三种不同冲压工艺(工序、复合工序和连续工序),确定用一幅复合模完成落料、拉深和冲孔的工序过程。介绍了端盖冷冲压成形过程,且简要分析了坯料形状、尺寸,排样、裁板方案,拉深次数,冲压工序性质、数目和顺序的确定。进行了工艺力、压力中心、模具工作部分尺寸及公差的计算,并设计出模具。还具体分析了模具的主要零部件(如凸凹模、卸料装置、拉深凸模、垫板、凸模固定板等)的设计与制造,冲压设备的选用,凸凹模间隙调整和编制一个重要零件的加工工艺过程。列出了模具所需零件的详细清单,并给出了合理的装配图。通过充分利用现代模具制造技术对传统机械零件进行结构改进、优化设计、优化工艺方法能大幅度提高生产效率,这种方法对类似产品具有一定的借鉴作用。




Stamping die in the actual industrial production is widely used, with today's technology development, industrial production has become increasingly used in the mold of attention has been paid, and have been widely applied to industrial production in the past. Stamping can greatly improve labor productivity, reduce the burden on workers, has an important significance of technological progress and economic value. In this paper, and cover the blanking process of deep drawing process, the forming process of analysis and comparison of three different stamping processes (processes, composite processes and continuous processes), to determine the complete model with a composite blanking, drawing and red hole of the process process. Presented cover the cold stamping process, and a brief analysis of the blank shape, size, nesting, cutting board plan, drawing number, the nature of the stamping process, number and sequence determination. For the technological edge, center of pressure, mold dimensions and tolerances of the working part of the calculation and design mold. Also detailed analysis of the major components of the mold (such as punch and die, discharging device, drawing punch, plate, fixed plate punch, etc.) design and manufacturing, stamping equipment selection, adjustment and preparation of punch and die clearance is an important machining process. Lists the components required for a detailed list of die, and gives a reasonable assembly drawing. By taking advantage of modern technology on the traditional mold manufacturing mechanical parts for structural improvements, optimization, process optimization method can significantly improve production efficiency, this method has a similar product for reference.


 Keywords: Cover; blanking, deep drawing, punching; compound die.


目  录

摘    要 4

Abstract 5

1章 引言 7

1.1 背景及意义 7

1.1.1论文选题背景 7

1.1.2论文选题意义 7

1.2 本论文的选题依据和研究内容 8

2 端盖零件的工艺分析及工艺方案的确定 9

2.1端盖零件的工艺分析 9

2.2 工艺方案的确定 11

2.2.1 计算毛坯尺寸 11

2.2.2 确定是否需要压边圈 12

2.2.3 计算拉深次数 12

2.2.4 确定工艺方案 13

3 零件排样和凸凹模工艺尺寸计算 14

3.1 确定排样、裁板方案 14

3.2 计算工艺力 15

3.2.1工艺力 15

3.2.2 拉深功 17

3.2.3压力中心 18

3.2.4凸、凹模刃口尺寸及公差 18

4 模具的结构设计 21

4.1 模具结构形式的选择 21

4.1.1 模架的选用 21

4.1.2 模具的闭合高度 21

4.2 模具工作部分尺寸计算 22

4.2.1 落料凹模 22

4.2.2 拉深凸模 23

4.2.3 凸凹模 23

4.2.4 弹压御料板 24

4.2.5 上垫板 25

4.2.6 压边圈 26

5  冲压设备的选定 28

第六章    模具的装配 29

6.1 复合模的装配 29

6.2 凸、凹模间隙的调整 29

参考文献 30


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