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摘  要















    Security for a conventional substation system run low, controllable power quality, operation and maintenance of the heavy workload and other issues, the design of an integrated substation automation monitoring system based on intelligent control to monitor for real-time operation of the substation substation the computer monitoring system is the use of object-oriented design ideas, and relying on computer technology, network communication technology, modern control technology and graphics display technology substation set control, measurement and modern management feature set for the integrated automation systems.

The actual problems of the of the papers needle site and the current development trend of substation monitoring system and substation monitoring special process, the basic characteristics and requirements of the 110KV substation integrated automation control system design. The actual problems of the of the papers needle site and the current development trend of substation monitoring system and substation monitoring special process, the basic characteristics and requirements of the 110KV substation integrated automation control system design.

The substation is an important part of the power system, and its role is to transform the voltage, the collection and distribution of electric energy, therefore, substation safe and reliable operation is closely related to the development of the national economy. With the continuous expansion of the installed capacity of the power system and power supply geographical, power quality, supply reliability, running economy are increasingly high requirements. In order to achieve high-quality, safe, reliable, economical operation requirements, it is economically reasonable, technologically advanced substation monitoring and protection system must be established, namely substation automation. In recent years, the substation computer monitoring and protection technology development exciting, especially substation integration of computer monitoring and protection integrated substation automation design ideas and promote the realization of the unmanned substation, can take advantage of remote technology to grid scheduling quickly and accurate access to the the substation operation of real-time information, a complete grasp of the real-time operating status of the substation, discover substation protection and make the appropriate decision-making and processing.


    Keywords: substation; monitoring system; integrated automation; microcomputer protection




摘  要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 发展变电所综合自动化系统的意义 2

1.2变电所综合自动化系统的发展过程 3

1.3 课题来源及课题内容 4

第二章 变电站综合自动化系统的现状及其存在的问 5

2.1技术标准问题 5

2.2组织模式选择的问题 7

2.3电力管理体制与变电站综合自动化系统关系问题 8

2.4运行维护人员水平不高的问题 8

第三章 变电所综合自动化系统的概述 9

3.1变电所综合自动化的基本原理 9

3.2变电所综合自动化系统的结构形式 10

3.2.1集中式变所综合自动化系统 10

3.2.2 分层分布结构集中组屏的变电所综合自动系统 11

3.2.3 中、小型变电所的分层分布式集中组屏结构 12

3.2.4 大型变电所分层分布式集中组屏结构 13

3.2.5 新型的综合自动化系统结构 14

3.2.6 变电所综合自动化的系统要求及功能 14

3.2.7 变电所综合自动化系统应具有先进性。 15

第四章 变电所监控系统的总体设计原则 16

4.1主接线的选择 16

4.1.1 主接线的设计原则和要求 16

4.1.2 主接线的拟定 17

4.1.3主接线的比较与选定 18

⑴ 内桥线路的特点: 18

2)外桥接线的特点: 19

3)单母线不分段接线的特点: 19

4)单母线分段接线的特点: 19

5)单母线分段带旁路接线的特点: 19

4.2系统主变压器容量、台数和备用方式的确立 20

4.2.1压器台数和备用方式确定原则 20

4.2.2 110KV 变电站电气设备的选择 20

4.2.3 变电站监控系统的基本要求及设计原则 21

4.3主接线形式设计 22

4.3.1 110KV出线接线方式设计 22

4.3.2 110KV进线方式设计 22

4.3.3 总主接线设计图 22

总 结 25

致 谢 26

参考文献 27



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