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摘  要                     
  关键词:自行车无级变速器器 UG  圆锥齿轮传动 行星齿轮传动
  Continuously variable transmission(Abbr.CVT), a type of transmitting equipment,is designed to achieve continuous output speed in defined rangesin the condition of unvarying input speed to adapt the need of the changing load outside.With the rapid development of industry, especially vehicle industry, increasing requirements are demanded for CVT.Aeeordingly, the varietiesand styles of CVT need to be studied further.
 In this study, the development history and types of CVT were described. The related  advances and prospects (design tendency) of CVT were also reviewed,and the advantages of gear-driven CVT were emphasized especially. The theories of transmission and speed modulation of the RX Planetary cone-shaped CVT were analyzed and a novel mechanieal CVT,cone-gear CVT,was designed on the advantages of gear-driven CVT.
 The transmitting theory of the novel meehanieal CVT was analyzed in details and the feasibility of the gear-driven CVT was demonstrated in this study. A modeling strategy was designed and the powerful entity modeling software UG was employed to produce the geometrie modeling, to assemble the parts and eventually to generate the devised sample machine. Rationality of the modeling strategy was tested and some parameters were optimized to improve the performance of the sample model.
  The transmitting ratio between driving-wheel and following-wheel were investigated when altering the loeation of the modulation ring.when the pinion (the smaller wheel) aeted as the driving-wheel and following-wheel, respeetively. The results showed that gear-driven CVT has the wide features in  modulating speed and further verify the model feasibility.
  Keyword: Continuously variable transmission UG  Cone-gear driver
Planetary-gear driver

目  录
第一章 绪  论 1
1.1 课题概述及意义 1
1.2 机械自行车无级变速器传动概述 2
1.2.1 自行车无级变速器传动简介 2
1.2.2 各类自行车无级变速器器比较 2
1.2.3 齿轮式自行车无级变速器传动的优势 2
1.2.4 齿轮式自行车无级变速器传动实现的几种途径 3
1.3 国内外自行车无级变速器器的研究动态及发展趋势 4
1.3.1 研究动态 4
1.3.2 发展趋势 4
1.4 相关软件简介 5
1.4.1 UG简介 6
1.5 本论文研究的主要内容 7
第二章 RX型环锥行星式自行车无级变速器器 9
2.1 RX型自行车无级变速器器简介 9
2.2 RX型自行车无级变速器器的传动原理 10
2.3 行星锥齿轮自行车无级变速器传动结构简图 10
2.4 行星锥齿轮式自行车无级变速器器的调速原理 10
2.4.1 传动比计算 10
2.4.2 调速原理 11
第三章 行星锥齿轮自行车无级变速器器的设计参数 12
3.1 设计方案确定 12
3.2 基本尺寸确定 12
第四章 实物建模 14
4.1 齿轮设计 14
4.1.1 输入端锥齿轮 15
4.1.2 行星锥齿轮 16
4.1.3 输出端锥齿轮 17
4.2 轴的设计 19
4.2.1 输入轴设计 19
4.2.2 输出轴设计 20
4.2.3 行星架设计 21
4.3 变速器机盖设计 22
4.4 变速器机座设计 23
4.5 其它零件设计 25
4.5.1 调速锥 25
4.5.2 端盖 26
4.5.3 轴承 27
第五章 变速器装配 30
5.1 轴类组件 30
5.1.1 输入轴组件 30
5.1.2 行星架组件 32
5.1.3 输出轴组件 33
5.2 箱体组件 33
5.2.1 传动部分装配 33
5.2.2 箱体总装 34
第六章 总结与展望 36
参考文献 37
致  谢 38

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