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摘 要

 Based on JSP student information management system             
   Along with the school scale unceasing expansion, the student quantity sharp growth, concerned student's each kind of information also becomes doubles the growth. Facing the so huge information content develops the student information management system to enhance the student supervisory work the efficiency to become inevitably. Through this system, may achieve the information the standard management, the science statistics and the fast inquiry, thus reduced management aspect work load.
    This article mainly introduced the student information management system primary mission, elaborated develops essential technology which this system uses, like uses the B/S structure, uses the JSP programming, using the SQLServer2000 establishment database, uses HTML and JavaScript, and so on programming technology.
    This system uses the B/S pattern to carry on the development; the system user jurisdiction has two kinds: The student and the system manager, the different jurisdiction user records to the different operation contact surface. This system mainly by the school register maintenance, chooses function module and so on class management, result inquiry to be composed, this article specifically introduced various functions module contains the small module function, the school register maintenance module mainly is carries on the increase, the inquiry, the revision, and the deletion to student's basic information; Chooses the class administration module mainly is to the curriculum which takes as an elective carries on the increase, the deletion, the statistics takes as an elective the population, as well as the student carries on chooses the class and re-elects the class; The result inquiry module mainly carries on the increase, the deletion, the input result to the required course, as well as the student carries on function and inquiry result and so on.

目 录
摘 要... I
Abstract. II
引 言... 1
第一章  绪论... 2
1.1 选题的背景和意义... 2
1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势... 2
1.3 本课题研究内容... 2
1.4 本课题研究的目标及主要特色... 3
第二章  系统设计使用技术介绍... 4
2.1 JSP(Java Server Pages)和Java Bean技术介绍... 4
2.1.1 JSP概述... 4
2.1.2 JSP工作原理... 4
2.1.3  JavaBean技术介绍... 4
2.2 B/S体系结构介绍... 5
2.3 JavaScrit技术介绍... 6
2.4 SQL Server 2000 数据库... 6
2.4.1 数据库介绍... 6
2.4.2 ODBC数据访问接口... 7
2.4.3 JDBC数据访问接口... 7
第三章  系统设计... 9
3.1 需求分析... 9
3.1.1 运行环境... 9
3.2 系统总体设计... 9
3.2.1 系统目标设计... 9
3.2.2 系统设计思想... 9
3.2.3 系统功能描述... 10
3.2.4 系统用例图... 12
3.2.5 系统UML活动图... 13
第四章  数据库设计... 14
4.1 总体表设计... 14
4.2 数据库表的结构... 14
4.3 实体及ER图... 16
4.3.1 实体介绍... 16
4.3.2 实体的ER图以及各实体之间联系的ER图... 16
4.4 数据库表的关系图... 19
4.5 数据库表的视图... 20
4.6 数据库连接... 20
第五章  系统具体实现... 23
5.1 登入界面... 23
5.2 学生界面... 25
5.3 学生界面功能实现... 26
5.3.1 查看公告页面... 26

5.3.2 学生修改密码页面... 26
5.3.3 学生学籍维护页面... 28
5.3.4 成绩查询... 30
5.3.5 查看学修课表并进行选修... 30
5.4 管理员界面... 32
5.5 管理员界面功能实现... 33
5.5.1 查看学生基本信息... 33
5.5.2 添加新学生和选修课... 35
5.5.3 查看学修课表和必修课表... 36
5.5.4 查看学生选课情况和学生成绩... 37
5.5.5 添加必修课表和学生成绩... 40
第六章  全文总结... 44
致 谢... 45
参考文献... 46

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